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Responsible Pet Ownership

  • Manufacturer's ISO Codes

    ISO transponders contain 15 numbers. The first three digits identify the manufacturer. These codes are issued by ICAR (...

  • Report Pesticide Problems

    Have you, your pets or your livestock ever had any of these or other health problems after using pesticides? Then you may have...

  • Your Senior Pet

    Senior pets have special needs. Find out how you can make sure they're met.

  • Renting with Pets

    A Guide For Prospective Tenants It's not always easy to find pet-friendly rental accommodation. Here are some suggestions on how...

  • Pet Travel Tips

    Make sure your pet is in good health. The stress of travel can be detrimental to older animals or those with chronic diseases...

  • Heartworm in Dogs

    Heartworm in dogs is a serious and potentially fatal disease caused by parasitic worms that live in the heart and lungs. In this...

  • Canine General Health

    Maintaining your dog in top physical shape and optimum health is the goal of every responsible dog owner. It is also your...