Why now? When will it become law? [1]

Recent Attention
Antimicrobial resistance may seem like a new issue in the media, but it’s been a concern in the medical community for many years. Antimicrobial resistance is an unavoidable result of antimicrobial use, but how we use antimicrobials determines how fast resistance develops. Legislation affecting the use of medically important antimicrobials are only now being introduced as the consequences of this problem are beginning to come into effect.
Resistance has Developed
Cases of antimicrobial-resistant bacteria are already occurring around the world, and they are continuing to appear at an alarming rate. If measures are not taken to slow the growing rate of resistance, we will soon lose access to many of the antimicrobials people and animals depend on to fight bacterial infection and stay healthy. If resistance develops at its current rate over the next few decades, the impact to our economies and communities will be severe and irreversible.
Introducing Legislation
Regulations to better manage our use of medically important antimicrobials are already in development, but managing this critical issue takes time and careful consideration. These new regulations are being developed with the needs of livestock producers in mind, along with the invaluable use of antimicrobials on the farm and in the doctor’s office. These regulations can be expected to come into effect before the end of 2016, but new information can be expected as they develop. Similar legislation is already being developed and introduced in Europe and the USA.