October is RVT Month in Canada [1]

Registered Veterinary Technologists/Technicians (RVT) are vital members of the animal healthcare team. RVTs can be found in a number of different industries: from small, exotic, and large animal clinics to research, sales, and shelter medicine. On any given workday an RVT assumes many different roles.
From anesthesia to dentistry; lab animal research to industry sales; equine to avian and exotics; nutrition to radiology; large animal to shelter medicine—RVTs work alongside veterinarians across the country to provide animals with the highest quality of healthcare. RVTs are formally educated professionals who worked hard to gain their credentials and deserve recognition for all they do. Visit https://rvtmonth.ca/ [2] to thank an RVT.
Download the "Many Hats of the RVT" Poster [3]
RVT Month Proclamation
Whereas, Registered Veterinary Technicians and Technologists (RVTs) are important members of the veterinary health care team, work in veterinary medicine throughout Canada, and are extremely important in the effort to provide quality animal health care to insure the humane treatment of all animals and protect public safety and interest;
Whereas, there are over 7,000 formally educated RVTs working in Canada in areas such as companion animal medicine, large animal medicine, equine, education, industry and sales, lab animal sciences, anesthesiology, surgical and veterinary nursing, radiology and shelter medicine;
Whereas, it is important that each RVT maintain certification, registration, or licensure through the successful completion of a national examination, practice mandatory lifelong learning through continuing education and uphold high ethical standards;
Whereas, RVTs will be joining their colleagues across Canada to urge all to become aware of the important contribution of RVTs to the health and well-being of all animals, public safety and biosecurity; therefore be it
Resolved, that the month of October be designated RVT Month.
For more information on RVT Month, check out the Registered Veterinary Technologists and Technicians of Canada (RVTTC) [5]