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Understanding Microchips

Veterinarians and pet owners share the wish to keep pets safe. One technology that has gained popularity in recent years is the microchip implant. Filling much of the same role as a traditional tags, this form of pet identification allows pets that have been separated from their owners to be reunited.
How They Work
These microchips contain data the identifies that pet and its owner. Veterinarians and animal shelters are equipped with the appropriate equipment to scan these chips and read their data, and some shelters will even implant microchips to ensure their adoptive owners are properly prepared should the animal ever become separated again. The microchips and the procedure of implanting them are very safe. While, like with any procedure, complications can arise, these incidences are extremely rare. Once implanted, microchips remain inactive without an internal power source. Only when they are being read are they powered externally by the scanning device, which is harmless and painless to the animal.
Learn More
While no pet owner ever hopes to be separated from their beloved pets, this unfortunate reality commonly occurs. Microchip implants won’t keep your gate closed or the leash tied tight, but when an escape does happen, proper identification is the most effective way to ensure that you’re brought back together. An important detail in this process is to make sure to update your contact information in the microchip database if you move or change telephone numbers. You can read more about microchips on the CVMA’s position statement. If you want to make sure you and your pets are truly inseparable, talk to your veterinarian about the microchip options available to you.