The Cost of CompassionThe price of a pet is more than just its purchase. Learn how prices are established for the services your pet needs.
Understanding Veterinary Fees & Health InsuranceWe are frequently asked as a profession to explain the breakdown of costs associated with providing veterinary services. Each...
Celebrating Alberta Veterinary Practices During COVID-19“More than ever, during the current global SARS CoV-2 pandemic, it is critical for veterinarians around the world to come...
Telemedicine is Now Helping Alberta’s VeterinariansThe Alberta Veterinary Medical Association’s (ABVMA’s) implementation of telemedicine guidelines for Alberta’s veterinarians...
Working with Feed MillsOn June 14, 2018, ABVMA Council and staff visited Masterfeeds complete feed and premix facilities in Red Deer. The intent was to...
Establish Your VCPRHealth Canada has introduced changes to the way animal owners access antimicrobials in order to prevent the spread of AMR. Going...
The Consequences of Bill 31Veterinarians are advocates and guardians for the health and welfare of animals. In other words, we’re their voice. Yet this...
Dismantling Myths About the NDP Government's Justification for Bill 31Find out how Bill 31 will really affect veterinarians, animals, and animal owners.