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Upcoming Border Entry Requirements for Dogs Traveling to the U.S. Starting August 1, 2024

beagle in a suitcase traveling with dogs

Edmonton, AB — July 9, 2024 - Dog owners planning to travel to the United States with their pets need to be aware of significant changes to entry requirements starting August 1, 2024. These updates, announced by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and facilitated in coordination with the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA), require closer attention to the health documentation and processes involved in crossing the border with a dog.

Starting August 1, 2024, all dogs entering the U.S. must meet several specific criteria to enhance the monitoring and control of rabies and other potential health risks associated with pet movements across borders. These requirements reflect an ongoing commitment to public and animal health, aiming to make international pet travel safer and more regulated.

Key Changes Effective August 1, 2024:

  • Age Requirement: Dogs must be at least 6 months of age.
  • Microchipping: All dogs must have an ISO-compliant microchip implanted.
  • Healthy Appearance: Dogs must appear healthy upon arrival in the U.S.
  • Documentation: Completion of a CDC Dog Import Form is mandatory. This form includes uploading a photo of the dog and will be available starting July 15, 2024, on the CDC website.

Vaccination specifics, particularly concerning rabies, are still under final review. As it stands, dogs may be required to have proof of rabies vaccination depending on their previous locations over the past six months. As this process is being finalized, both the CDC in the United States and the CFIA in Canada urge pet owners and exporters to keep abreast of the developments on their respective websites by checking for updates regularly.

Preparation Steps for Dog Owners:

  • Microchipping: Ensure your dog is implanted with an ISO-compliant microchip.
  • Maintain Veterinary Records: Retain a copy of your dog’s Canadian veterinary record for at least 6 months to 1 year prior to your travel date.
  • Check Updated Requirements Frequently: Regulations can change, and staying informed will help ensure compliance and ease of travel.

As the August 1, 2024, changes to US entry requirements for dogs swiftly approach, we strongly recommend that all dog owners planning to cross the border remain vigilant and regularly check verified and reliable resources. Staying informed is vital, as it will help you ensure that your travel with your pets is smooth and compliant with the latest health and safety regulations.

Pet owners should keep themselves informed of rules around travelling with pets by visiting the following pages regularly for updates:

CDC’s Website: CDC Dog Import Information, Frequently Asked Questions on Dog Importation

CFIA’s Website: CFIA Advice for Dog Exporters


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